Upload/Share Photos
To upload photos:
Any parent or volunteer who wants to upload photos from an event to the CGUC community albums, can simply go to Dropbox and download the free program to your laptop/computer. Alternatively, you can download the free app on your phone.
Once downloaded, upload your photos and email [email protected] a link with the album you have created. We will then do our best to get them uploaded permanently on our website in a photo album for each event!
Any parent or volunteer who wants to upload photos from an event to the CGUC community albums, can simply go to Dropbox and download the free program to your laptop/computer. Alternatively, you can download the free app on your phone.
Once downloaded, upload your photos and email [email protected] a link with the album you have created. We will then do our best to get them uploaded permanently on our website in a photo album for each event!